“Many or few…”

February 21, 2025 (17 days ago)

Stewardship requires “crunching the numbers.” It’s always a good idea to consider our data and count the cost. However, there are times when the numbers don’t really matter. I’m not simply referring to money, I mean numbers in general. For example, Gideon defeated the Midianites with 300 soldiers. Samson took on a whole army. When Jonathan was preparing to attack a Philistine outpost, he told his armor-bearer, “Nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.” Jesus fed over 5,000 people with five loaves and a few fish. When God is “in” something, He makes a way. We should never be presumptuous and “test the Lord,” but sometimes the need outreaches the supply, and we have no choice but to wait on the intervention of God. God-sized problems need God-sized provision. Walking with the Lord and discerning these matters is part of what it means to develop as a follower of Jesus for life. What you are facing today may be much bigger than you. It is not bigger than our great and mighty God.