Our Name
Endeavoring to create an atmosphere of caring and prayerful concern for one another. We are seeking to be an “ideal” New Testament church whose main focus is to teach the Bible to those inside and outside our church family. Our name also explains who we are.
The place in Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. He died there for the sins of the world (and rose again three days later) and offers deliverance from the penalty of sin to whoever requests that gift.
This speaks of our beliefs concerning membership, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the authority of the Bible and our method of operation. It means we believe the good news should be proclaimed here and around the world.
The word church means, “called out ones.” When God gives a person new life, He separates them from the old life, characterized by sin, unto a new life, characterized by righteousness. We are not perfect! That is why we meet together – to learn how to become more like Christ and to encourage one another in that process.