“Spiritual Abuse”

February 28, 2025 (10 days ago)

Because we are spiritual beings by nature and we have hearts that are seeking what is good, and souls that are longing for approval; we can become targets for spiritual abuse. All abuse is evil, and spiritual abuse is no less evil than other forms of abuse. Jesus said, “But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matt. 18:6) Wow, that’s serious! Spiritual abuse includes things like legalism, intimidation, manipulation, the use of guilt, fear and shame in an attempt to control people. There is good religion (James 1:27) and there is bad religion (Matthew 23:13-33). Bad religion uses the external façade of religious practice to cover selfishness and unbelief. This didn’t start with the Pharisees, and it didn’t end with them either. We’ll see a form of spiritual abuse in our text on Sunday and unfortunately, it is still all too present today in homes, churches and businesses. The gospel is the antidote to the poison of spiritual abuse. The cross must remain our focus and the Communion Table is the place to remember what Jesus did to deliver us from a life of unbelief.