“Where Can I Serve?”

January 17, 2025 (19 days ago)

Anywhere. When a person has taken on the character of Christ, every situation, location and vocation is a place to serve. Servants are willing to put others first, willing to help, willing to lend a hand, to go the extra mile if need arises. Servants are not overly concerned with what they get, they serve. There is a difference between those who serve and those who are servants. Those who merely serve are measured; they often desire to be noticed and even look for some benefits in return. Servants, the ones who have the heart of Christ, hardly know they are serving. They are doing what comes naturally because they have a disposition of service. Some people might have a personality bent toward service, but all true servants are formed from the inside out. Our natural bent is to be selfish. It’s tempting to think, “What’s in this for me?” It takes some repentance and serious concentration on the Person of Christ to become a servant. It takes practice. It probably requires some disappointment, even to the point of disillusionment. Becoming a servant of God is a lifetime pursuit and there are some obstacles along the way that we need to understand and navigate properly. Some of the greatest heroes of the Bible, including Jesus, were referred to as servants. Let’s learn how to walk in their footsteps.