
December 20, 2024 (17 days ago)

Everyone has a worldview whether they call it that or not. A worldview is the lens we use to see the world. The beliefs of that worldview determine what we believe life is about and how we live. For example, if I believe that the world is a “closed system” and I am here to take care of myself, it leads to certain behaviors. In other words, if I believe there is no God or that He is not interested in me or my life, then I will be more likely to take things into my own hands. I may believe there is no way forward but to cheat, lie and/or steal because survival is up to me. However, if I believe that there is a God in the heavens and that I am His dearly loved son, I can trust Him to care for me. That doesn’t mean I live a passive life; it means I live my life before the One who loves and shepherds my existence. It means He will intervene to care for me when I cannot care for myself. We’re not born with a default worldview. Worldviews develop over time, and they can be adjusted. If we were blessed to have parents that took us to church and taught us principles of faith, we have a good start. If we are starting from scratch, the gospel according to John is a good place to start. He didn’t dilly dally on peripheral issues; he went straight to the big questions and answered them before they were asked. His opening verses about Jesus answer all the big questions of life. If you really grasp what John was writing, many of the questions of life will be answered for you. It would be helpful, especially if you are forming or reforming your world view, to read what John had to say about the Advent of Jesus.